Monday, May 31, 2010

God Bless America & Our Soldiers

This is a beautiful photo of a giant American flag in Arizona. 
The photo is authentic, UN-Touched and was taken on regular Kodak 35mm film. The person who took the picture couldn’t believe the image created by the suns rays. 

For those that prefer to think that God is not watching over us…go ahead and ignore this...

For the rest of us…pass this on! 


Today I've been thinking about our fallen Soldiers and those who are still in combat. That is what today, Memorial Day, is all about ..Remembering and giving thanks.
To some -- and I've seen these kind -- today is just a day off from work and a chance to go party and get drunk. I can't help but to find that to be disgraceful to all the men & women who fought for us and this beautiful Country. Where would we be without them? 

Take a moment and thank them. I am!

I hope everyone is having a nice, safe Memorial Day today
{ God Bless }


Monday, May 17, 2010

Reflections of Preston

I think a cat's eyes say a lot about them. One of my favorite pictures of Twix is this one of her looking out the window. To me, it defines everything Twix was. You could just see it in her eyes - Her inner beauty; her deepness; her mysterious side. Her eyes always made me feel so peaceful inside.

This Morning, as I was laying in bed, I spotted Preston sitting down across the room and had called for him. He just stood there. Then the train that passes by every morning had blown its whistle. Preston did this mad dash over me (Which hurt, btw) and headed straight for the window. Preston loves looking out the window, but of course, every cat does!

That's when I grabbed my camera and decided to try and capture a picture of him looking out the window - like I did with Twix.

I knew the end result would be very different then the photo I took of Twix a few yrs ago, but I love the images I got of Preston. - He is a total boy who is 100% naughty WITH the full acknowledgment of getting away with ANYTHING if I allowed him to.
