Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

May 2013 bring you happier times and many blessings for you and your loved ones.

I'm ready to step into 2013 and move forward ..


Monday, December 3, 2012

Very late "Kitty Tails"

I'm sorry for not keeping up with my "Kitty Tails" posts. Truth is, I haven't been to the Adoption Center since Nov. 15th. I've had a lot of things going on in my life and sadly it's kept me away from the one thing I enjoy doing. I'm hoping to be able to go back this week.

Since my last post, our lovely Callie finally got adopted (last week). She had been with us since June, so you can imagine my happiness when I hear she finally got a home! I'm going to miss Callie. It took months for her to finally ease up around us. I really got to "know" her during that time. I hope she is a happier girl now.

~"Pick-me-up" Mondays~

This poor kitty doesn't like Mondays, either! 


Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

~"Pick-me-up" Mondays~

My wish for this week... 


Friday, November 9, 2012

Kitty Tails


I hope my readers have been enjoying my weekly "Kitty Tails" post.
I really enjoy writing about my volunteering days at the Adoption Center!

Burmese Kitten
Yesterday was a hectic day for us. We got in a litter of four Burmese mixed kittens the day before and yesterday they were getting all the attention; especially while we were trying to clean. Everyone was wanting to look at the kittens. One, named Lulu, got adopted.

I was hoping to get more pictures of the Burmese kittens but I didn't get a chance to. I was busy most of the time. I cleaned out five messy cages in Room 1 and then cleaned half a dozen food bowls, litter boxes, scoopers, and three carriers. It took me half the day to finish, leaving me very little time to spend with the kitties.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

In the garden ..

"In the garden, Autumn is, indeed the crowning glory of the year, bringing us the fruition of months of thought and care and toil. And at no season, safe perhaps in Daffodil time, do we get such superb colour effects as from August to November."
- Rose G. Kingsley, The Autumn Garden, 1905


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Kitty Tails


Mutt and Jeff

I'm going to start off this week's "Kitty Tails" by saying .. I finally got a picture of Mutt! I didn't think I would ever get a decent picture of him. He seemed to be more outgoing this time; which was nice to see. I sure hope Mutt and Jeff get adopted together, and soon. These two boys are such sweethearts and need a forever home. They're five months old now and have been with us since July.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Therapy in Photography

It was a really nice evening today. I couldn't let it go to waste, so I got my camera and headed out for a bit. - something I haven't done in a few weeks; which is odd for me. 

I love getting lost in nature and capturing it with my camera. It's my therapy, both mentally, emotionally and spiritually. My dream is to be a professional photographer one day.

For more photos, please visit my Portfolio and Facebook "Like" page.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

One Fierce Kitty

I don't celebrate Halloween, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to make my sweet Preston look like a fierce kitty! 

Please stay safe out there tonight and keep your cats and dogs inside!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Kitty Tails


Yesterday was a busy day. I spent 9-5 with the kitties; helping out with the cleaning, feeding, and spending time with each cat. We had six kittens in Room 1, and boy, it sure was hectic! Six kittens, running from one side of the room to the other; jumping and climbing on things. This is what I like to call a real kitten overload. It's so much fun to watch. We had a lot of people stop by just to watch the kittens and their antics. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Hope for a Cure

Cure. Hope. Love. Faith. Courage.

Every year in October, I dedicate a post about breast cancer awareness for my Grandmother who died from this horrible disease eight years ago. I never got to meet her before she passed, so the cause of finding a cure is something I hold close in my heart. 

Preston is hoping for a cure, too!
Wellness checks and mammograms is something every woman (and Man) should take very seriously. It can happen to anyone and at any age, like this courageous woman who was diagnosed at the age of  21. According to the facts, 39,520 women and 450 men in the U.S. will die from this disease annually. Early prevention saves lives, so make sure to get checked. I know it's a scary thing to think about, but don't put it off. Do it for you ..and your family.
If you have a moment, check out these wonderful organizations: Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and The American Cancer Society's "More Birthdays".  

With the support of thousands of women and their families/friends, these organizations help raise money to support research for a cure, prevention, and offer help to those who need medical care. 

I have promised myself that one day soon I will walk for a cure in my Grandmother's memory.

The Breast Cancer Site