Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Hope for a Cure

Cure. Hope. Love. Faith. Courage.

Every year in October, I dedicate a post about breast cancer awareness for my Grandmother who died from this horrible disease eight years ago. I never got to meet her before she passed, so the cause of finding a cure is something I hold close in my heart. 

Preston is hoping for a cure, too!
Wellness checks and mammograms is something every woman (and Man) should take very seriously. It can happen to anyone and at any age, like this courageous woman who was diagnosed at the age of  21. According to the facts, 39,520 women and 450 men in the U.S. will die from this disease annually. Early prevention saves lives, so make sure to get checked. I know it's a scary thing to think about, but don't put it off. Do it for you ..and your family.
If you have a moment, check out these wonderful organizations: Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and The American Cancer Society's "More Birthdays".  

With the support of thousands of women and their families/friends, these organizations help raise money to support research for a cure, prevention, and offer help to those who need medical care. 

I have promised myself that one day soon I will walk for a cure in my Grandmother's memory.

The Breast Cancer Site


Tyson said...

I have a good friend who is on the wrong end of this rotten disease.... and it is horrid ..
I am so sorry to hear that you had a grandmother die form this Rebbeca

Laura said...

I hope someday you can do one of the walks because it is a wonderful experience!