Monday, August 13, 2012

How time flies ..

I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling like time flies by too fast..

Yesterday was my 24th birthday. 

As well as Preston's 3rd Gotcha day.

Preston was a 21st birthday gift; My parents surprised me with him after a birthday dinner. At that time, I was told Preston was a "she", so I originally named him Pixie. Within hours of having "her", I said there was no way I had a girl kitten on my hands. - Preston had such playful, naughty boyish eyes! Sure enough, I was right! I can't believe that has been 3yrs ago already..

Then there was Twixy - a surprise gift for my 16th birthday. 
She came into my life as I was going through a very difficult time. Twix got me through it. Then I lost her in 2008 .. I miss her so much.

How times flies..

It got me feeling a little down when I was thinking about it, but for the most part, I had a nice birthday. 

This year has been full of new exciting things for me. I can't wait to see where it leads me.

1 comment:

Tyson said...

You are so right ... time flys and the older we get the faster it goes!!