Wednesday, October 31, 2012

One Fierce Kitty

I don't celebrate Halloween, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to make my sweet Preston look like a fierce kitty! 

Please stay safe out there tonight and keep your cats and dogs inside!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Kitty Tails


Yesterday was a busy day. I spent 9-5 with the kitties; helping out with the cleaning, feeding, and spending time with each cat. We had six kittens in Room 1, and boy, it sure was hectic! Six kittens, running from one side of the room to the other; jumping and climbing on things. This is what I like to call a real kitten overload. It's so much fun to watch. We had a lot of people stop by just to watch the kittens and their antics. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Hope for a Cure

Cure. Hope. Love. Faith. Courage.

Every year in October, I dedicate a post about breast cancer awareness for my Grandmother who died from this horrible disease eight years ago. I never got to meet her before she passed, so the cause of finding a cure is something I hold close in my heart. 

Preston is hoping for a cure, too!
Wellness checks and mammograms is something every woman (and Man) should take very seriously. It can happen to anyone and at any age, like this courageous woman who was diagnosed at the age of  21. According to the facts, 39,520 women and 450 men in the U.S. will die from this disease annually. Early prevention saves lives, so make sure to get checked. I know it's a scary thing to think about, but don't put it off. Do it for you ..and your family.
If you have a moment, check out these wonderful organizations: Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and The American Cancer Society's "More Birthdays".  

With the support of thousands of women and their families/friends, these organizations help raise money to support research for a cure, prevention, and offer help to those who need medical care. 

I have promised myself that one day soon I will walk for a cure in my Grandmother's memory.

The Breast Cancer Site

Update on Little Squrit

I've been feeling heartbroken these last few days over Little Squirt. Yesterday was the first time I saw him since Tuesday Morning (Click Here). I'm happy to be posting this update - Little Squirt is doing good. Our neighbor has been taking care of Squirt, his Mommy, and a few other ferals that are in our area. Squirt is getting antibiotics for his eyes and will get fixed soon. Our neighbor's girlfriend said she plans on keeping the kitten. 

I was told I could visit Little Squirt whenever I wanted to. I miss him so much but I'm happy he's doing good and being treated - that's what matters most. 


Friday, October 19, 2012

Kitty Tails


I got some much needed kitty therapy yesterday while volunteering. I can't think of a better way to spend the day. I enjoy being with our sweet kitties. It was a really nice day. Starting with some great news - our lovely girl, Flower, got adopted on Wednesday along with a cute black kitty named Smiley!


After finishing up with cleaning cages, feeding, and then washing out boxes/scoopers/bowls, etc, I spent some special time with a sweet b/w kitty named Lucky. She had to spend the day in her cage because she was sneezing. Lucky is a very affectionate girl. She rested herself in my arms and started kneeding me. I just know she will make someone a very special companion.

Big Boy (Now named Puma)
Big Boy (now named Puma) got adopted on Monday. His new owners came in and told us that Puma is fitting into his new home nicely! He has the whole house to himself and loves to run about. He's a happy-go-lucky kitty who seems to find fun in just about anything; except wearing his new collar! I was really happy to hear how Puma is doing. His new owners are wonderful and already adore Puma to bits.

We still have Jeff and his brother Mutt (yes, we have a kitty named that) with us. They're four months old and so full of energy. Jeff is more of a lover while Mutt likes to wiggle out of your arms and dash off.


We have nine kitties at our Petsmart Adoption Center. Callie has been with us the longest now. She's our Cat of the Week, which means her adoption fees are waived. Then there's our two boys Jeff and Mutt, Flora, Shy Holly (who is making progress), Smeegles, Lucky, Blacky, and Denver.


Denver is a handsome orangie kitty. I wish I could have gotten a nice picture of him. He was being grumpy (you can tell in the picture below) and wasn't going to have any of it. Blacky is also really handsome but is still shy with us. Flora, on the other hand, loves  the attention! So does Smeegles, but only on her terms.

Denver isn't a happy kitty 

Well, I think I've covered everypurr. Volunteering is so rewarding on so many levels. I'm really enjoying this new chapter in my life.


I was told a few weeks ago about a video that was put together using photos taken by volunteers. I've been searching everywhere for it and couldn't find it, until today. Some of the kitties photos are ones I've taken over the months. The song and pictures really pull on your heartstrings.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

National Feral Cat Day

Little Squirt

I know I'm a day late writing about National Feral Cat Day, but I wanted to write something from my heart with the hopes that it might touch others and make them think.

When I think of National Feral Cat Day, I think of the several feral cats/kittens that came into my life since my move last year. Starting with a few kittens, then Ginger (Read Here), Monty, and some others. Each one came into my life and left a lasting imprint on my heart. Including this latest one, a kitten named Little Squirt. He found me last Friday; starving and covered in fleas. I spent the next few days feeding him and cleaning him up. Tuesday morning He was allowed out (not by me) and his Mother got him. My hopes was to take Little Squirt to the Yavapai Humane Society where I volunteer for, but I wasn't able to. I've not given up. I am keeping my eyes and ears open for him; hoping to see him again. I get so angry inside when I think about all the feral cats I've seen, cared for, and loved. I've seen too many suffer. It all started with one person - not spay/neutering their cat(s) and then abandoning them, or letting them go loose. Like in so many other areas, we now have a problem that will be never ending. How many lives have to suffer before a real changed is made? I know there is people out there who see this as no big deal. Perhaps some will think I'm crazy for even caring so much about it. But for me, and this goes for any animal - Dogs, Cats, etc - They can't speak for themselves. They didn't ask for this. So I'm speaking for them. Fighting for them. Loving these feral kitties is what got me into volunteering. It's a cause I'm very passionate about.

Please, if you own a cat/dog, be a true animal lover and spay/neuter your pet. Don't add to the suffering. 


Monday, October 15, 2012

~"Pick-me-up" Mondays~

Wise words to start your week off ~ 


Friday, October 12, 2012

Kitty Tails


I didn't get to go to the adoption center yesterday. I haven't been feeling well lately and had to call in sick.

To keep up with my weekly "Kitty Tails" post, I'm going to share a story about Zella and the special friendship she made.

A few weeks ago an elderly woman (had to be in her mid-late 60s) came in and said she wanted to adopt Zella for her 90yr old Father. He had seen Zella a few days before and fell in love with her. After that, the woman said Father had watched a television program about how cats/animals and people sometimes find each other when they're both in need. The man said he felt a strong connection with Zella and needed her. Zella needed him, too. She got adopted that day!

It just goes to show, you're never too old to be a cat lover! It brought me so much happiness seeing Zella get adopted and knowing how happy that old man would be. It's a memory that touched my heart and will forever stay with me. This is part of the reason why I love volunteering so much.

Zella - On the day she got adopted

Since my last "Kitty Tails" post, our beautiful sisters, Josie and Zira, Dharma and our sweet boy Ziggy all got adopted! 

Link -- Petsmart Adoption Center - Kitties for Adoption

Monday, October 8, 2012

~"Pick-me-up" Mondays~

The perfect to-do list for Mondays!


Friday, October 5, 2012

Kitty Tails - New weekly blog post


I'm going to share my "kitty tails" here as part of a new weekly blog post! It's been an amazing experience being a volunteer. I'm looking forward to sharing my stories here.

I really love volunteering for my local Humane Society. I choose to spend my Thursdays at the Petsmart Adoption Center since I'm a crazy cat lady. The day starts off with cleaning cages, feeding, washing up, then play/cuddle time with the kitties. I've been doing it for about seven months now (hard for me to believe) and the experience has been both amazing and life changing. I have bonded with kitties, earn their trust, then watch them get adopted. Some are kittens from feral Mommies. Others are adults, either previously owned or abandoned. Each have their own story, personality, and needs. As volunteers, we love these kitties as if they were our own. We take the time to get to "know" each one. In doing so, it helps us find the best homes for them. I have heard of stories that have made me smile or cry. I am so grateful to be apart of something that brings good to others, for both the kitties and their new families.

Josie and Zira - Sisters
We have five kittens in Room 1 and one shy kitten in Room 2. Each one is so cute and playful. I call it the "Kitten overload" when kittens are in their crazy, playful mode. They're so hard to resist, especially while cleaning the cages. It's hard not to want to pick one up and cuddle him/her all day long. We have two sets of siblings: Sisters Josie and Zira, and brothers Mutt and Jeff. Then there's Ziggy and our shy girl, Holly. Poor Ziggy got adopted a few weeks ago and then was brought back due to being "too much responsibility". People ... I just don't understand them.. 

Our adult kitties are just as sweet, especially the older "senior" ones. Sadly, the older kitties get overlook sometimes. If I had a big home, I would take them all, especially Callie. She's been with us the longest now. One of the reasons is; Callie is an independent girl who prefers to be a loner. This makes it hard because most cat lovers have at least one, two, sometimes three (or more) cats. Callie needs to go into a home where she can be the queen. I know somewhere, out there, is the perfect home just waiting for our dear Callie. Our kitties stay with us for as long as it takes. Some get adopted faster than others, but they all get adopted eventually.

As of now, we have 12 kitties - Flower, Callie, Dharma, Mutt and Jeff, Josie and Zira, Holly, Ziggy, Smeegles, Blacky and Big Boy. 

Yesterday was the day of "Blessing of Animals", so Reverend Kimball Arnold from the St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Prescott, AZ, came down to our shelter and adoption center to bless our cats/dogs. Each one received a certificate of blessings. It was really nice watching our kitties get blessed. I asked her to bless my two cats, Twixy and Preston before she left.

Come back next week for more Kitty Tails! 

I took photos of all, except Blacky - he's still a bit shy with us. 

Link -- Petsmart Adoption Center - Kitties for Adoption