Saturday, November 3, 2012

Kitty Tails


Mutt and Jeff

I'm going to start off this week's "Kitty Tails" by saying .. I finally got a picture of Mutt! I didn't think I would ever get a decent picture of him. He seemed to be more outgoing this time; which was nice to see. I sure hope Mutt and Jeff get adopted together, and soon. These two boys are such sweethearts and need a forever home. They're five months old now and have been with us since July.

Jimmy and Kenny

Since my last "Kitty Tails" post - Marly, Denver, Frenchy, and Smeegles were adopted! A little black kitten (named Vickie, I think) got adopted on Thursday while I was there. She only just came to us the day before, along with two grey kittens, brothers Jimmy and Kenny, and another black cat named Big Papa - let me just say, his name fits him well.

Callie, Holly, Blackie, Sisters Jess and Jill, Lucky, Flora, and of course, Jeff and Mutt are still with us.

Lucky gets more sweeter each time I see her! She's such a lovebug!

Our dear girl, Holly, is still shy, but making progress. She has such pretty big eyes.

Our sibling kittens - sisters Jess and Jill, brothers Jimmy and Kenny, and Jeff and Mutt are so cute to watch! I always hope for our sibling kittens to be adopted together. They have such a bond. It makes me sad when one gets adopted without the other.


Callie is getting more and more comfortable with her surroundings each week, but being at the adoption center isn't the life for her. I really hope we can find her the perfect home soon. Until then she is being loved and taking care of by the volunteers.


I didn't get a chance to take a picture of Big Papa. He is such a talker and love attention! He has to be one of the biggest cats I have seen yet. He isn't big as in fat, he's just a big cat, period. I will try to get a few pictures of him next week.

November 2-4 is Petsmart's National Adoption Day! The Yavapai Humane Society has teamed up to get at least 40 animals adopted during these three special days. The event is being held in Petsmart's parking lot. Is your local Petsmart doing something? If so, make sure to check it out! A special companion could be waiting there for you!



Tyson said...

Keep up the good work(d)

Julie M. said...

So adorable! When I see posts like this, I wish I had room for all those critters! My heart is bigger than my finanaces, if you know what I mean. :) I hope they all find homes!!

Thanks for stopping by my personal blog earlier, too. I appreciate it. :)

Have an amazing rest of the weekend!