Thursday, June 24, 2010

Six Years Ago Today

Six Years ago today my life changed forever because of a cat I got as an early birthday present.

Twix at 8wks old
It all begin with a dog we use to have. I was very close to him, but he had some aggression issues with younger children and we weren't able to keep him. Even though he belonged to the family, I always thought of him as "Mine". It broke my heart when I lost him. I cried almost every night ..then came Twix a few months later.

She was this little tiny fluff ball. Too cute for words. I named her Twix after my favorite candy bar. The name fit her perfectly because of her coloring. One of her back paws was all cream/caramel colored (including the pad). She was so independent and acted as if she owned the place - Total Tortie!

Twix was very affectionate, but on her own terms. She also was jealous of our other pets; not liking me showing affection to the others. What was amazing about Twix is that her & I shared the same personality in many ways. I was told once that Red Heads (people with red hair - like me) and Torties are like that. I use call her my 'Baby Girl" as if she actually was. Twix & I had a very special connection. She always knew when I needed her by resting on or beside me. I could always tell by looking into her eyes.

 "Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened" -Anatole France 

Twix opened up my heart and made me a better person. She turned me into a cat lover and inspired me. Believe it or not, she actually made me look at things in a different way. It's something I don't think anyone could understand unless they are a cat/dog owner.

I miss my "Little Girl" so much. 
Where ever she is, I hope she is well and happy.
Maybe one day I will find her ..I pray for that.



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